About the Artwork Img 9431.jpg
© Photo by Margit Lõhmus

Eike Eplik

Eike Eplik is a sculptor and installation artist who uses nature motifs to construct a narrative in her works.

Biography of Eike Eplik

Eike Eplik was born in 1982 in Rapla, Estonia.

Eplik graduated from the Sculpture Department of Tartu Art College in 2007. During her studies, she undertook internships with artists in Germany, Sweden, and Finland. She continued her education at the Sculpture Department of the Estonian Academy of Arts, earning her MA in 2010.

Currently, Eike Eplik resides in Tartu, Estonia, and works as a teacher at Tartu Children's Art School and Tartu Art College.

Eike Eplik’s art style

Eplik employs various sculpting techniques, ranging from traditional plaster casting to assemblage using paper, wood, and found objects. The processes in her work are often subconscious and not always easily explainable. When organizing exhibitions, Eplik often relies on improvisation.

One of Eplik's prominent exhibitions was "Biomass – Ghost in the Corner," featuring the accompanying text "Aesthistence" (2020) by Mehis Heinsaar. This exhibition showcased a gallery-wide installation of diverse objects crafted from various materials such as clay, porcelain, metal, foundry, and wood. Eike Eplik deliberately chose Mehis Heinsaar as a partner for this show. Their works are elaborate, imaginative, and closely connected to the subconscious.

 Achievements and Recognition of Eike Eplik

Eike Eplik has received several awards and nominations for her work, including the Eduard Wiiralt Stipend in 2006, the young artist production stipend KUKU NUNNU of the contemporary art festival ART IST KUKU NU UT in 2012, and the Addo Vabbe Stipend in 2018. She was also nominated for the Sadolin Art Prize in 2015. 

Her works have found a place in prestigious collections, including the Tartu Art Museum in Estonia. Additionally, her art is cherished by private collectors across Estonia.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1982

  • Country:

    Estonia, Rapla