
Alison Yip

Alison Yip explores the dissociative and dispersed nature of our cognitive apparatus through various mediums, such as painting, wall treatments, writing, and objects. Her work often utilizes popular decorative elements and everyday materials, evoking uncanny or transitional states.

Yip holds a BFA from the Alberta College of Art and Design and an MFA from the Hochschule für bildende Künste in Hamburg, Germany. Her recent exhibitions include Malik's in Hamburg, Germany, MOM Space in Hamburg, Kunsthuis SYB in Beesterzwaag, Gaertnergasse in Vienna, and The Vancouver Art Gallery. Her work addresses broader experiences of the human senses, power relations, and sense of self, within the context of our present-day reality.

In 2023, Yip will have an exhibition titled "What is a reasonable demand today?" at Kantine Brussels and "confessions on sparkling hill" at Damien & The Love Guru in Zurich, Switzerland. In 2022, her exhibitions included "Blue of Noon" at Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler in Berlin, "Sleeping In June" in Berlin, "Soma Topika" (solo) at Contemporary Art Gallery in Vancouver, and "The Faceless Familiar" in Lethbridge, Canada.

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    Germany, Berlin, Cologne