Sissi (Daniela Olivieri)

Sissi, also known as Daniela Olivieri, is an Italian contemporary artist who works in a variety of media, including painting, sculpture, and installation. She is known for her colorful and whimsical imagery that often incorporates elements of nature and fantasy.

Sissi studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna and has since exhibited her work in galleries and museums around the world, including in Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Japan. Her work is often described as playful and joyful, with a childlike quality that belies a deeper exploration of themes such as memory, identity, and the natural world.

In addition to her studio practice, Sissi has also worked on a number of public art projects, including murals and installations in public spaces. Her work has received critical acclaim and has been featured in publications such as Artforum, Flash Art, and Frieze.

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