About the Artwork Broota Rameshwar

Rameshwar Broota

Rameshwar Broota is a reputed Indian artist who has consistently imbued his work with profound reflections on the social landscape intertwined with his internal realm. 

Biography of the Rameshwar Broota

Rameshwar Broota was born in 1941 in Delhi in an art-oriented family where his parents were singers, and his brothers were visual artists. From 1960 to 1964, the artist attended the Delhi Polytechnic College of Art and later became a faculty member there. Since 1967, Broota has held the position of the head of Triveni Kala Sangam, a renowned art institution in New Delhi.

Throughout his illustrious career, Broota has received numerous awards and honors. Notable among them are the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Lalit Arpan Festival, New Delhi (2013); the Kala Vibhushan by the All India Fine Arts and Crafts Society, New Delhi (1997); the National Award by the Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi (1980, 1981 and 1984).

Broota's artistic journey has been marked by several solo exhibitions and retrospectives that have showcased his creative prowess. These include solo shows at esteemed venues such as the Kiran Nadar Museum of Art, New Delhi (2014); XVA Gallery Dubai, Dubai (2012); Akriti Art Gallery, Kolkata (2011); 1x1 Art Gallery, Dubai (2011); Vadehra Art Gallery, New Delhi (2011 and 2009), among others. His group participations include Ojas Art, New Delhi (2012); Art Alive Gallery, Gurgaon (2011); Aicon Gallery, London (2010–11); Gallery Threshold (2010) and Vadehra Art Gallery (2010), New Delhi, and more.

Currently, Broota resides and works in New Delhi.

Rameshwar Broota's Art Style

Broota, as an artist, holds a deep fascination for capturing the essence of the contemporary world. In the early stages of his artistic journey, his paintings reflected the anguish of a young painter, driven by a keen awareness of the societal inequalities and imbalances that resulted in various forms of suffering. Broota has a simple ideology guiding him through his career, which is based on humanism.

Rameshwar Broota experimented with techniques. He has crafted unique works that showcase the meticulous process of paring away the surface using a thin blade. This approach adds texture and nuance to his paintings. By employing this painstaking method, he has returned to creating artworks predominantly in shades of black and white, achieving infinite variations and textures.

His lifelong research and interest revolve around the plight of an anonymous man in search of immortality amidst the forces of decadence that engulf him, slowly squeezing out his last breath.

A continuous thread in his work has been an involvement with photography, albeit of selected subjects framed unusually. His perspectives often encompass the human body, intertwining it with man-made structures, whether tubular or circular, wherein the seamless quality of contemporary existence comes into play. In recent years, his computer-generated works have demonstrated an ingenious manipulation of forms, creating a captivating interplay between sensuality and reality.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1941

  • Country:

    India, New Delhi