About the Artwork Atul Bhalla

Atul Bhalla

Atul Bhalla is a conceptual artist focused on environmental issues and works primarily in photography. Additionally, his artworks incorporate various forms such as sculpture, painting, installation, video, and performance.

Atul Bhalla's Biography

Atul Bhalla was born in 1964. He pursued his bachelor's degree in fine arts from the College of Art, University of Delhi. Bhalla furthered his education by obtaining a master's degree in fine arts from the School of Art at Northern Illinois University in the United States. Presently, he works as a professor of visual art at Shiv Nadar University in India.

Atul Bhalla has showcased his talent through numerous solo exhibitions. Some notable venues that have hosted his solo shows include Vadehra Art Gallery in New Delhi (2018, 2015, 2011), Art Museum in the USA (2016, 2011), the Accademia Filarmonica Romana in Rome (2016), SepiaEYE in New York (2015), Grossman Gallery at Lafayette College in Philadelphia (2011), Project 88 in Mumbai (2009), and Aicon Gallery in London (2008).

Additionally, he has actively participated in various group exhibitions, such as the Chennai Photo Biennale (2019), Fotofest Biennale in Houston, Texas (2018, 2016), Bhau Daji Lad Museum in Mumbai (2018, 2017), 1st Kuala Lumpur Biennale in Malaysia (2017), SepiaEYE in New York (2017), RIMT Melbourne in Australia (2017), Bikaner House in New Delhi (2017), Kalakriti Festival in Hyderabad (2017), the National Gallery of Modern Art in New Delhi (2016), the Stephen D. Paine Gallery at the Massachusetts Institute of Art and Design in the USA (2015), Sunaparanta Centre for the Arts in Goa (2015), Museo MADRE in Naples (2014), Sharjah Art Museum (2014), and the Aberdeen Art Gallery in the UK (2014), among many others.

Atul Bhalla is based in New Delhi, India, where he continues to work and create.

The art style of Atul Bhalla

Bhalla's artistic practice revolves around environmental issues, particularly the eco-politics of water. He delves into the historical, spiritual, and political significance of water in the urban environment of his city, New Delhi. His work addresses issues such as appropriation, unequal distribution, commodification, and pollution of water.

Bhalla's artwork evokes a sense of nostalgia for a different realm—one of ancient rivers, purifying rituals, communal sharing, and reverence for water's life-giving power. These themes permeate the artist's work and represent his enduring preoccupations. Consequently, his art is often associated with environmental activism, as it sheds light on our society's indifference and wastefulness.

However, while the politics of water form a crucial part of Bhalla's narrative, they are not his sole focus. His work also encompasses poetry and personal elements that are often overlooked.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1964

  • Country:

    India, New Delhi