About the Artwork 1 D37 B347 0 B5 a 4 Aac A98 E 4064950 C2 F44

Shuvo Rafiqul

Shuvo Rafiqul is a contemporary artist born in Dhaka, Bangladesh in 1982. He currently lives and works in Vienna, Austria. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any specific information on who represents him or his art. Rafiqul's work has been exhibited in various solo and group exhibitions internationally, including the United States, Austria, Germany, and Bangladesh. He primarily works with painting, drawing, and mixed media, exploring themes of identity, displacement, and cultural hybridity. Rafiqul's work often incorporates a fusion of traditional Bangladeshi art forms and techniques with contemporary styles and themes.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1982

  • Country:

    Bangladesh, Dhaka

  • Social