About the Artwork Bigart Ulrike Lienbacher Archivder Kuenstlerin Bear 1215x1489

Ulrike Lienbacher

Ulrike Lienbacher is an Austrian artist known for her multidisciplinary practice that incorporates sculpture, installation, drawing, and photography. Her works often explore the relationship between space and the human body, often using materials such as fabric, wood, and metal to create abstract forms and environments.

Lienbacher's artistic process often involves the transformation of everyday objects and materials, such as furniture or clothing, into sculptural forms that blur the line between art and functional design. Her installations often engage with the architecture of exhibition spaces, using the surrounding walls and floors as a canvas for her work.

Lienbacher is also known for her drawings and photographs that explore similar themes of space, the body, and materiality. Her drawings often feature abstracted forms that appear as if they are in motion, while her photographs capture sculptural installations in various contexts and settings.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1963

  • Country:

    Austria, Vienna