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Sarah Rapson

Sarah Rapson, a British artist born in North London in 1959, studied art in London in 1981 and later in Paris in 1983. In the late 1980s, she relocated to New York City and completed the Whitney Independent Study Program in 1990. For around three years, she worked as artist Richard Prince’s studio assistant. Her first solo exhibition took place in 1992 at Trial Balloon 2, an alternative art space in New York City dedicated to showcasing works by female artists. In 2004, Rapson returned to England and settled in Bridport, Dorset, where she currently resides and creates.

Rapson's work often incorporates everyday objects and materials, such as textiles, furniture, and found objects, into her sculptures and installations. Her use of these materials highlights the intersections between art and domesticity and challenges traditional notions of what constitutes art. In her recent solo exhibition, "Ode to Psyche," held at Secession in Vienna in 2021, Rapson continued to explore the themes of domesticity and the everyday, creating installations that incorporated textiles, plants, and found objects.

Rapson's work has been exhibited extensively in the United States and Europe, including at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, the Brooklyn Museum, and the Saatchi Gallery in London. Her work has been reviewed in publications such as Artforum and The New Yorker. She currently lives and works in Bridport, Dorset in England.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1959

  • Country:

    United Kingdom, Bridport