About the Artwork Checklist People Sarah Crowner 17 2017 768x512

Sarah Crowner

Sarah Crowner is an American artist known for her unique approach to painting and sculpture. She was born in 1974 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and received her MFA from Hunter College in New York City. Crowner's work often features geometric shapes and bold colors, inspired by mid-century modernism and the Bauhaus movement. Her pieces blur the line between painting and sculpture, with many of her works featuring canvas pieces arranged in various configurations to create three-dimensional forms. Crowner has exhibited her work in solo and group exhibitions in galleries and museums around the world, including the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1974

  • Country:

    United States of America, Philadelphia