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Santiago Evans

Santiago Evans is a contemporary artist who takes inspiration from the autobiographical as well as historical and fictional references.

Santiago Evans' Biography

Santiago Evans Canales was born in 1996 in Mexico City. The artist's upbringing in various parts of the Americas greatly influenced his artistic journey. In 2021, he earned his Master of Fine Arts degree from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, Belgium. The following year, in 2022, he also obtained a Post Graduate Diploma from the Royal College of Arts in London. Currently, he resides and works in Antwerp.

Santiago Evans has participated in numerous exhibitions showcasing his exceptional talent and unique artistic vision. Some of his notable shows include: "Down in the Woods, Up to the Sky" at Double Q Gallery in Hong Kong (2023), "To Bodily Go" at Superzoom Gallery in Miami (2022), "Incendios Y Sombras" at Galeria Nicola Pedana in Caserta (2022), "Art Brussels 2022" at Galerie Derouillon in Brussels, "A Gawking Fixation" at Galerie Derouillon in Paris (2021), "Turn on the Bight Lights" at Galeria Nicola Pedana in Caserta (2021), "Wonderass" at Gallery Sofie Van de Velde in Antwerp (2020), "Cabin Fever" at Jean Claude Maier Gallery in Frankfurt (2020), and "Tangier" at Ticktack Gallery in Antwerp (2020).

Santiago Evans' Art Style

Santiago Evans draws inspiration from a blend of autobiographical, historical, and fictional references that have consistently evoked a sense of wonder throughout his life. His artwork runs parallel to the ongoing shifts in his personal journey, serving as an endeavor to perpetuate a childlike sense of awe and imagination. By tapping into memories of the vibrant landscapes of Mexico, or the everyday moments shared with his girlfriend, Canales' creations immerse us in a dreamy and captivating realm.

He prefers painting on giant pieces of paper, developing a very personal technique. This methodology presents him with various choices at every stage, from the initial paper cutting to the texture and dryness of the initial paint strokes. This multi-layered decision-making process offers him diverse avenues to evolve the image.

 -When I paint, I use long brushstrokes to slowly find the image through the different textures and swathes of color in the initial layers of paint. These elements, as well as the composition, are usually dictated by the material of the support I am using for the painting. The images become a kind of still from a movie showing a glimpse of the landscapes, interiors, and characters in my drawings. My work is influenced by observation, abstraction, and imagination. I create a world of magical realism that my younger and current self would be excited to jump into.
Santiago Evans for The Wunderwall
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  • Years:

    Born in 1996

  • Country:

    Mexico, Mexico City