About the Artwork

Tom Veiga

Artist Tom Veiga was born in Curitiba in the south of Brazil and worked in several advertising agencies as a designer. However, his passion for the sea awakened his vocation for art, leading to the birth of his artistic expression from the union of his work as a designer and his love for the sea.

Tom Veiga's art is inspired by the sensations and feelings that the sea wind, the heat of the sun, and the movement of the waves transmit.

Capturing the Essence of the Sea: Tom Veiga's Art Style

Tom Veiga's art has a very personal language, characterized by numerous colors, minimal strokes, and abundant movement. The artist seeks to reflect his vision of places through his tropical style, transmitting life and Brazilianness in his art.

Tom Veiga, Swell, 2017, digital art
My art seeks first to reflect my passion for waves and oceans, I try to show my vision of beaches reflecting with as few strokes as possible, showing the differences of each wave around the world so that everyone can understand that the sea has its differences and particularities
Tom Veiga

Tom Veiga's Artistic Odyssey: From International Surf Brands to Global Exhibitions and Vibrant Murals

Tom Veiga has already signed several projects with important surf brands such as Billabong and Lightning Bolt from Europe, Reef from California, Globe also from California, Havaianas and Mormaii, Canal OFF, and Banco do Brasil in Brazil.

Apart from collaborations with brands, the artist creates his art in digital format, fine art paintings, surfboard paintings, and murals on walls and buildings.

With exhibitions held in various locations in Brazil and abroad, such as Argentina, France, and Spain, his work is also present in more than 30 countries. Veiga's art has been featured in magazines in over 18 different countries, as well as on websites and blogs.

In addition to his work in the arts and exhibitions, the artist has also painted murals.

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