Rosalind Tjanyari

Rosalind Tjanyari was born in 1971 in the humble clinic of the Indulkana community. Growing up with her two younger brothers, her family resided in a modest wiltja, nestled near the creek.

Inheriting her mother's nurturing spirit, Rosalind Tjanyari embraced the tradition of caring for the extended family of children in Indulkana. As a guardian and role model, her home has always been a sanctuary for those in need of care and support.

Rosalind Tjanyari's Art Style

Rosalind's mother, Kunmanara (Kanakyia) Tjanyari, was esteemed as a Ngangkari, an Anangu traditional healer. The legacy of her mother's healing practice, passed down through generations, profoundly influenced Rosalind's perception of people and places. This influence is palpable in Rosalind Tjanyari's vibrant artistic expressions, where she subtly references the rejuvenating energy associated with Ngangkari and its connection to sacred sites.

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