Frankie LA

Frankie LA's artistic style gravitates toward figurative painting, a realm where she skillfully represents people. However, she challenges the notion of traditional portraiture, emphasizing that her works transcend mere representations of individuals. Instead, her paintings serve as allegories or metaphors, capturing feelings, concepts, or musings that resonate with her at the time of creation.  

Biography of Frankie LA

Frankie LA is a self-proclaimed art-loathing sports enthusiast turned powerhouse in the burgeoning art scene. Unveiling her transformation from a mid-teen skeptic to a muralist and possibly the youngest gallery owner, Frankie exudes self-empowerment, self-awareness, and an unwavering determination to defy naysayers.

The turning point came when she landed a role at Frame88 at the age of 16, where she fell head over heels in love with the enchanting world of art. From there, Frankie's journey took a determined trajectory toward the National Art School (NAS). She strategically picked up art subjects at school to craft a portfolio that would pave her way into NAS. Fueled by an unwavering drive, she connected with the street artist Fintan Magee, who became both a friend and a mentor, guiding her through the nuances of the art world.

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