Liam Nunan

The thematic cohesion in Liam Nunan's exhibition, featuring naked figures hovering above changing landscapes, holds a deeper meaning. Inspired by his struggles with insomnia, the paintings encapsulate the ambiguous sensation of sleep, a feeling of being somewhere else. Moreover, they serve as a poignant reflection on the loneliness and longing experienced during lockdown.  

Biography of Liam Nunan

Liam Nunan's art journey reignited when a friend introduced him to life drawing classes. The creative buzz he experienced mirrored the energy of a rehearsal room, providing a fulfilling outlet.

In 2018, he ventured into portraiture, creating an acrylic painting of his grandfather that became a semi-finalist in the 2019 Doug Moran Portrait Prize. A subsequent oil painting of actor Jonny Hawkins secured first prize in the 2019 Lester Portrait Prize in Western Australia.

Reflecting on his artistic evolution, Liam Nunan doesn't harbor regrets about his learning process. While he acknowledges lessons along the way, he values the organic growth that comes with personal exploration. To ensure continuous growth, the artist embraces short courses, frequently attending those at the National Art School (NAS) to challenge his artistic habits and rethink his approach.

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