Robert Grosvenor

Robert Strawbridge Grosvenor is an American contemporary sculptor, installation artist, and draftsman recognized for his expansive room installations that blur the boundaries between sculpture and architecture. He is closely affiliated with minimalism.

Robert Grosvenor's Art Style

Robert Grosvenor's art defies easy categorization. His sculptures possess a graceful, dynamic, and seemingly minimalist quality, yet they also often embrace absurdity and quirkiness, exhibiting quasi-maximalist tendencies. Whether through large-scale installations or small color snapshots, Grosvenor's work exudes sculptural and conceptual precision with apparent effortlessness. It seamlessly interacts with the surrounding architecture and engages viewers, referencing cultural motifs and imagery while maintaining a sense of ambiguity. This elusive "aboutness" invites repeated contemplation, enticing viewers to decipher its message.

Exhibitions and accolades

Robert Grosvenor's works have been featured in numerous solo and group showcases held at prestigious galleries and venues worldwide. Those include ICA Miami, Kunsthalle Bern, Museum Wiesbaden, Whitney Museum of American Art, Lehmbruck Museum, Carnegie Museum of Art, Center Georges Pompidou, Sonsbeek Park, Park Place Gallery, and many more.

The artist also participated in Whitney Biennial (2010), Biennale d'art contemporain de Lyon (2003), documenta 8 (1987), and  documenta 6 (1977). 

Throughout his artistic career, Grosvenor has received several awards and accolades, including the National Endowment for the Arts grant (1970), the Guggenheim Fellowship (1970 and 1983), the American Academy of Arts and Letters grant (1972), and the Ezratti Family Prize for Sculpture award (2020).

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