Mona Ardeleanu

Mona Ardeleanu was born in Lörrach, Germany in 1984 and currently resides and works in Stuttgart. She pursued her formal education in fine arts under the tutelage of renowned artists including Alexander Roob, Frank Ackermann, Daniel Richter, and Karin Kneffel at various prestigious institutions such as the Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Vienna, and Munich.

Ardeleanu's artistic practice is centered around constructing images through layers, imbuing her paintings with a sculptural quality. She utilizes the visual language of everyday objects to create hyper-realistic depictions that possess an enigmatic, intangible aura. Her intricate renderings appear as though they are composed of collaged fragments of historical vessels and utensils, presented against bold, contrasting backgrounds reminiscent of archaeological specimens that have never before been observed.

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