Norbert Bisky

Born in Leipzig, Germany in 1970, Norbert Bisky is a contemporary figurative painter who currently resides and works in Berlin, Germany and Andalusia, Spain. Bisky received his education from both the Berlin and Madrid University of the Arts and is considered one of the most accomplished and successful contemporary artists in his field.

Bisky's artistic vision is heavily influenced by personal experiences, terror, media, and his travels to Brazil, which he translates into vibrant and colorful depictions of beauty, sexuality, violence, and destruction. He is widely regarded as one of Germany's most respected painters of his generation.

Bisky has exhibited his work in many international solo and group exhibitions, including prestigious venues such as the Kunstmuseum Bern in Switzerland, the Latvian National Museum of Art in Riga, Latvia, and the Beijing Biennial in China, amongst others. His art is part of several prominent public collections, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Museum Ludwig in Cologne, and the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Seoul, South Korea.

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