Richard Hoblock

Richard Hoblock creates intricate and sophisticated abstract oil paintings, characterized by diverse palettes and textures. Drawing inspiration from Bauhaus photography, Hoblock also produces abstract collages that blend painting with other elements. He photographs these collages before destroying the originals, preserving their essence in photographic form.

Biography of Richard Hoblock

Richard Hoblock was born in 1954 in Huntington, NY. He studied at the University of New Hampshire in Durham, receiving a BA in English in 1978. Later, in 1988, he obtained an MFA in Film from the University of California in Los Angeles. 

The artist has held solo exhibitions at numerous prestigious venues, including 295 Artspace in Orient, Anthony Meier Fine Arts in San Francisco, Kim Light Lightbox Gallery in Los Angeles, The Los Angeles Billboard Project in Los Angeles, and Chimento Contemporary in Los Angeles. His work has been showcased in diverse settings, reflecting his broad appeal and the dynamic nature of his artistic practice.

Additionally, Hoblock's paintings have been featured in group shows, including "A New Day" at Tufenkian Fine Arts in Glendale (2021), "Opposing the Binary" at Michael Kohn Gallery in Los Angeles (2013), "Mark Hagen, Richard Hoblock, Lesley Vance" at Anthony Meier Fine Arts in San Francisco (2012), "OUT OF THE BLUE" at Bortolami Gallery in New York (2012), "Wall-to-Wall" at Daniel Weinberg Gallery in Los Angeles (2011), and many more. 

Recently, Richard Hoblock has embarked on a new venture by opening a summer pop-up gallery called Rosyendpost, in collaboration with his partner, Gary Garrels.

Currently, the artist lives and works in Orient, NY.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1954

  • Country:

    United States of America, Orient, NY