Rob Reynolds

Rob Reynolds creates paintings, sculptures, sound, and video artwork. His creative approach draws on influences from pop art, minimalism, and conceptual art, while also exploring themes related to ecological issues.

Biography of Rob Reynolds

Rob Reynolds was born in 1966 in Newton, MA. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Art and Semiotics from Brown University in 1990, and furthered his studies at the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program in 1992.

He served as a Berggruen Institute Transformations of the Human Artist Fellow (2018-2021). He has taught at institutions such as Brown University, Harvard College, the University of Southern California, and Sierra Nevada University.

His solo exhibitions include "Overview" at Anthony Meier Fine Arts in San Francisco (2021), "An Ocean View for Denver" at ART Hotel in Denver (2017), "Most Painted Mountain" at Ochi Gallery in Ketchum (2016), "Vanishing Point" at LAXART in Los Angeles (2015), "JUST ADD WATER, Artworks Inspired By the LA Aqueduct by Rob Reynolds" at The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (2013), and many more.

Additionally, Reynolds' works have been featured in numerous group shows held at various museums and galleries worldwide, including UTA Artist Space in Los Angeles, Peter Mendenhall Gallery in Pasadena, Friedman Benda in New York, Santa Monica Museum of Art in Santa Monica, Nye+Brown in Los Angeles, among others.

Currently, the artist lives and works in Los Angeles. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1966

  • Country:

    United States of America, Los Angeles