About the Artwork 1657513958 Rathin Barman Headshot

Rathin Barman

Rathin Barman is an Indian artist and photographer, born in 1981 in Guwahati, Assam, India. Barman studied painting at the Government College of Art and Craft in Kolkata, India, and later received a postgraduate degree in photography from the National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad, India.

Barman's work explores themes of identity, memory, and displacement, particularly in relation to the region of Northeast India. He works across a range of media, including photography, installation, and sculpture, and often incorporates found objects and materials in his work. He has exhibited his work extensively in India and internationally, including at the Kochi-Muziris Biennale, the Singapore International Photography Festival, and the Delhi Photo Festival.

One of Barman's most notable works is his series "Hinterland Dreams" (2010-2015), a photographic exploration of the everyday lives of the people of Northeast India. The images in the series are rich in detail and texture, and often depict ordinary scenes and objects, such as a cluttered room or a pile of discarded shoes. Through his use of light, color, and composition, Barman imbues these mundane scenes with a sense of mystery and nostalgia, inviting the viewer to reflect on the complex and often overlooked histories and experiences of the region's inhabitants.

Barman has received numerous awards and recognitions for his work, including the India Habitat Centre Fellowship for Photography in 2006, the Neel Dongre Award for Excellence in Photography in 2012, and the India Foundation for the Arts Grant for Photography in 2017.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1981

  • Country:

    India, Kolkata