Rabee Kiwan

Rabee employs a diverse array of mixed media on canvas, including oil paints, acrylics, charcoal, glue, varnish, and chalk. This multifaceted approach allows him to explore texture, depth, and contrast, creating dynamic compositions.

Biography of Rabee Kiwan

Rabee Kiwan, born in 1984, is a Syrian painter who studied painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Damascus. His artistic journey has taken him to various group exhibitions in cultural centers and galleries across the Middle East and Europe, including venues in Damascus, London, Amman, Bologna, and Washington.

Since 2010, his works have been regularly exhibited at Kuzah Gallery in Damascus. His inaugural solo exhibition took place in 2013 at the Mark Hachem Gallery in Beirut, followed by showcases at Lab 44 Gallery in Paris in 2016 and Europia in Paris in the same year.

Kiwan's art has garnered attention and found buyers in Lebanon, the Persian Gulf countries, Europe, Canada, and the United States.

Rabee Kiwan's Art Style

Over time, and through his varied experiences, Rabee Kiwan delved deeply into techniques of building surfaces, manipulating color, and incorporating discarded materials. These elements emerged as pivotal in accentuating the inevitability and realism of conflict within his paintings.

In his latest series, "Rhythm b," Kiwan continues the exploration initiated in his previous project, "Rhythm a" (2013), which delved into themes of human decay and the remnants of human life. This collection maintains the same style and technique, exploring the interplay of medium and light, but diverges from the previous one by centering on the theme of nature. Here, the artist portrays nature in a state of tension, grappling with the impact of human intervention.  

Each artwork in this collection features a natural element—trees, plants, seas, sun, moon—abstracted through shape and color. Black, a prominent color in "Rhythm a," remains significant in "Rhythm b," alongside a central motif: the rope, cutting through the compositions.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1984

  • Country:
