Priscilla Singer

Over recent years, Priscilla Singer has emerged as a remarkable painter and a leader in collaborative projects involving women.

Biography of Priscilla Singer

Priscilla Singer was born in 1968. She is the daughter of Kunmanara (Sadie) Singer, who played a pivotal role as a founding artist of Iwantja Arts. Sadie was not only a respected leader but also a trailblazing figure, breaking new ground for women on the APY Lands.

Priscilla completed her final years of high school in Adelaide before immersing herself in further training through her role as an AEW (Anangu Education Worker) at the Indulkana Anangu School. In this capacity, she has played a pivotal role in implementing the school's bilingual learning strategies and integrating cultural activities into the curriculum.  

During her tenure at Iwantja Arts, Priscilla Singer has worked closely with her mother and other family members, engaging in a diverse array of mediums and techniques including lino-cut, batik, and painting. 

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