Rene Sundown

Rene Sundown's art employs a minimalist color scheme, yet achieves intricacy through bold brushstrokes and captivating symbolism. Within a seemingly ordinary framework, her works conjure visions of desert foliage, mysterious trails, and parched riverbeds illuminated by the sun's rays.

Biography of Rene Sundown

Rene Sundown hails from the bushland enveloping Mt Ebenezer. She was born in 1952 to Mindy and Andy. Raised alongside her two elder brothers, Jimmy and Kingsley, she spent her formative years in the outback under her mother's care while her father worked as a stockman.

Rene's artistic journey commenced in 2000 at Iwantja Arts, where she translated recollections of her childhood explorations along the tali (dunes) and the brackish riverbanks near Erldunda Station into vibrant canvases.

Now a regular presence at the Iwantja Art Centre, she recognizes the profound connection between her artwork and fostering cross-cultural understanding. Through her paintings, Rene Sundown seeks to illuminate Indigenous traditions, acknowledge the complex history of white settlement in the APY Lands, and advocate for collaborative efforts towards a brighter, shared future of knowledge exchange.

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