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Claudia Gutiérrez Marfull

Claudia Gutiérrez Marfull is a contemporary artist, born i 1987 in Santiago de Chile. She is known for her multidisciplinary practice that includes video, installation, performance, and text-based works. Gutiérrez's works explore themes such as identity, language, power, and politics.

Her artworks involves exploring textile crafts and representing peripheral landscapes of Santiago through embroidery and weaving. Her pieces depict situations experienced in vulnerable areas of Chile and incorporate inspiration from various groups and artists. While she comes from a family of women who have worked with textiles, she uses these techniques in a non-traditional way to represent her contemporary environment, which includes graffiti, gangs, and weapons.

Claudia Gutiérrez Marfull has exhibited her work at Galería AFA, Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende, and Galería Armada. She has also participated in group exhibitions at Galería Metropolitana, Parque de las Esculturas, and Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Santiago. Her work has been acquired by public collections such as Kadist Foundation and the Ministry of Culture and Arts of Santiago.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1987

  • Country:

    Chile, Santiago de Chile