About the Artwork Jerónimo Elespe

Jerónimo Elespe

Jerónimo Elespe is a Spanish contemporary artist who lives and works in Madrid. He was educated at Yale University (MFA) and School of Visual Arts, New York (BFA).

Elespe's work is characterized by small formats paintings echoing historic and classic artists, as well as some branches of modernist and contemporary painting. He often depicts landscapes, portraits and abstract nighttime scenes.

He has had solo shows at Van Doren Waxter, New York (2018), Maisterravalbuena, Madrid (2018); Labor Gallery, Mexico City (2015); Ivorypress, Madrid (2014); and a solo museum exhibition CAC Centro de Arte Contemporaneo, Malaga, Spain (2012). 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1975

  • Country:

    Spain, Madrid

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