Natasja Mabesoone

Natasja Mabesoone was born in 1988 in Belgium. Currently, she lives and works in Brussels and Ghent. She received her master's degree in visual arts from the School of Arts in Ghent and completed a residency at Wiels in 2019. 

Natasja Mabesoone's Art Style

Natasja Mabesoone creates graphic works using a combination of the seventeenth-century 'vernis mou' printing technique, monotypes, and drawings. She incorporates stencils, markers, and glitter to blend the aesthetics of decoration and craft. Mabesoone's associative and poetic visual language reflects themes of sensuality, sexuality, powerlessness, and aggressiveness.

Her work explores notions of femininity, the subversiveness of the cute, and domesticity as a potential form of resistance. 

In each work a different protagonist is staged using seemingly ingenuous depictions of everyday highs and lows. The narrative in my work does not necessarily require a plot. Rather, the narrative potential lies in the imagery, the materiality and the underlying cultural associations or imaginary and etymological backgrounds
Natasja Mabesoone

Exhibitions of Natasja Mabesoone's Works

Mabesoone's work has been exhibited in notable institutions such as S.M.A.K. in Ghent, KOMPLOT in Brussels, Fons Welters in Amsterdam, and MDT in Stockholm. Recent exhibitions featuring her works include "It's all right, don't think twice" at Gallery Sofie Van de Velde in Antwerp (2024), "perfect ratios" at Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens in Deurle (2023), "De Grote Vogelshow" at Pizza Gallery in Antwerp (2023), "Of Off Offf" at After After in Brussels (2023), and many more. 

Additionally, the Flemish Government acquired her artwork for the collection of the MHKA Museum in Antwerp.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1988

  • Country:

    Belgium, Brussels and Ghent