Sarah De Vos

Sarah De Vos, born in 1985 in Brussels, Belgium, currently lives and works in Leuven. She earned her master's degree in painting from Sint-Lucas Antwerp in 2008 and pursued a postgraduate course at De Ateliers in Amsterdam. 

Sarah De Vos's Art Style

Sarah De Vos's artwork explores the interplay between 'nature' and 'culture.' She creates images with a seductive beauty that simultaneously provoke critical reflections on our perception of reality. Using oil paint on wooden panels, glass, or canvas, De Vos seals her works with a transparent layer of epoxy. This technique creates mirror-like surfaces where viewers' reflections become part of the elusive image, engaging them in the present moment.

De Vos's paintings are developed in series, akin to the tracks of a concept album. Each piece, like a song, stands alone yet contributes to a larger atmosphere and dialogue. Some works function as singles, while others set the tone or hint at future explorations. Her art invites viewers to question and interact with the space and the narratives within the series.

Exhibitions of Sarah De Vos's Works

Sarah De Vos's works have been showcased in numerous solo and group exhibitions. Recent shows featuring her creations include "SUPERFAN" at Madé Van Krimpen in Amsterdam (2024), "FACE-TIME" at PLUS-ONE Gallery in Antwerp (2023), "Palindroom" at Gallery Sofie Van de Velde in Antwerp (2023), "Metamorphosis" at Emergent in Veurne (2022), "Slow Club" at Villa Josa/Galerie Short Cuts in Namen (2021), and many more.

Additionally, the artist has patricipated in the ONBOARDS Biënnale in Antwerp (2023), the Biennale of Painting in Deinze (2020), and the Triennial of Bruges.

De Vos's work has been featured in notable collections including UPC Duffel, de Nederlandsche Bank, FPS Foreign Affairs, and Mu.ZEE, as well as in several private collections. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1985

  • Country:

    Belgium, Leuven