Natalie Robin

Natalie Robin employs a unique artistic approach, blending her grandfather's tjukurpa (dreaming) with depictions of the Watarru landscape. She skillfully utilizes a combination of punu (wooden stick) and brush techniques to bring these narratives to life on canvas.

Biography of Natalie Robin

Natalie Robin, born in Fregon in 1987, spent her formative years in Warakurna and Watarru. As the daughter of acclaimed Kaltjiti artist Joyce Robin, Natalie inherits a rich artistic heritage. While she has recently begun her journey as a painter at Kaltjiti Arts, Natalie already demonstrates remarkable talent and potential, poised for a bright future in the art world.

Currently residing in Fregon, Natalie is a devoted mother to her daughter, balancing her artistic pursuits with her role as a parent.

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