About the Artwork Maxresdefault

Anne Schmidt

Anne Schmidt, born in 1991 in Brandenburg, currently resides and works in Vienna, Austria. She completed her studies in Sociology and Philosophy at the University of Leipzig. Since 2015, she has been a part of Julian Göthe's class at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. Currently, Anne Schmidt is attending the Maumaus Independent Study Program 2020, a postgraduate program that was founded in 1992. In 2019, she was also a participant in the International Summer Academy Salzburg (AT).

Anne Schmidt has had several solo exhibitions, including "Vienna Contemporary" in Vienna (AT) in 2022, "FASERN GEHEN DURCH PFORTEN," a solo performance with sound by Phillipp Pettauer, concept by Luca Perfahl, and concept and stage design by Marei Buhmann, at BESTAND by Samuel Zeichen, Sophienspital, Vienna (AT) in 2021, "MICHELANGELO," a painting, sculpture, and lecture performance at Gallery VIN VIN by Vincenzo Della Corte, Vienna (AT) in 2020, and "Buffalo Bill" at Aquarium, Akademie der bildenden Künste, Vienna (AT) in 2015.

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