About the Artwork Iman Raad Beirut Auction Q and a Orig

Iman Raad

Iman Raad, an Iranian artist based in New York City, born in 1979, Mashhad, Iran. He works with different mediums including painting, drawing, embroidery, graphic design, and performance lectures. His work draws inspiration from Persian and Mughal painting, as well as South-Asian Truck painting. Raad combines traditional and contemporary influences to create works ranging from small reverse paintings on glass to mural-scale wall installations. His pieces feature vivid colors, altered perspectives, and repetition that mimics digital glitches. Raad's work recontextualizes traditionally ornamental elements and still-life subjects into narrative subjects with contemporary relevance.

His work has been reviewed in media including The New York Times and Frieze Magazine, and exhibited at institutions including the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD) and the Flag Art Foundation, New York. His pieces are held in public collections including The British Museum and The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA).

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  • Years:

    Born in 1979

  • Country:

    Iran, Mashhad