About the Artwork Milan Kunc F

Milan Kunc

Milan Kunc is a Czech artist known for his cartoonish style of artwork, featuring animals, still life, portraits, and flowers. He employs sweet and cheerful colors to craft clear and precise paintings. Kunc's paintings frequently unveil surreal and dreamy imagery, narrating aesthetic tales that spark our imagination.

Biography of Milan Kunc

Milan Kunc was born in 1944 in Prague, Czech Republic. His artistic journey began in 1964 when he enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, where he honed his skills until 1967.

Seeking new opportunities, Kunc decided to emigrate to Germany in 1969. In pursuit of further artistic development, he enrolled at the Staatliche Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf, where he studied from 1970 to 1975. During this period, he had the privilege of studying under the guidance of two prominent professors, Joseph Beuys and Gerhard Richter.

In 1979, Kunc collaborated with Jan Knap and Peter Angermann to establish the "Gruppe Normal."

His talent and distinctive style captured the attention of the art world, resulting in his participation in the iconic Times Square Show in New York in 1981. During this period, he was greatly influenced by the Pop-Surrealism movement.

In 1982, Kunc relocated from Düsseldorf to Cologne, where he continued to create remarkable art. Two years later, he returned to New York, spending the years 1986 and 1987 working there. Subsequently, Kunc moved to Italy, residing in Rome and Tuscany from 1988 to 1991. During this period, he drew inspiration from Neoclassicism, transforming classic Mediterranean metaphysics and lucidity in his new paintings.

In 1994 and 1995, the artist returned to the United States, where he had studios in New York and East Hampton. The following years brought him to The Hague in the Netherlands, where he concentrated on creating ceramic sculptures.

Since 2004, Milan Kunc has been residing and working in his hometown of Prague, Czech Republic. In the past five years, Kunc has also visited India, where he engaged in drawing books as part of his artistic exploration.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1944

  • Country:

    Czech Republic, Prague

  • Personal website