About the Artwork Michele Ciacciofera

Michele Ciacciofera

Michele Ciacciofera is an Italian artist born in Sardinia and raised in Palermo. He uses various mediums including painting, sculpture, ceramics, assemblies, drawings, and sound to explore existential themes related to the human impact on the environment and the intersections between language, history, and culture.

Ciacciofera's works are marked by his sensitivity to materials and an acute awareness of current social and political issues. He approaches his subjects from an anthropological perspective and explores collective memory, revisited myths, and contemporary political realities with a particular focus on the Mediterranean. Overall, his work is characterized by a conceptual approach that emphasizes subject, narrative, and feeling above all else.

Ciacciofera's work has been exhibited internationally at the 57the Venice Biennial and Documenta 14 (Athens and Kassel). His recent solo exhibitions include Emisferi Sud at Museo MAN, Nuoro (2017); Fragments of nature and other stories, at Senesi Contemporanea, London (2017); Enchanted Nature, Revisited at CAFA Museum, Beijing and Enchanted Nature, Revisited at Primus Capital Art, Milan (2016).

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