About the Artwork Lu Chunsheng

Lu Chunsheng

Lu Chunsheng is a Chinese artist born in 1968 in Changchun, Jilin province. He graduated from the Department of Sculpture with a BA at China Academy of Art in 1994 and currently works and lives in Shanghai. Lu Chunsheng's photographs and video work are influenced by his surroundings and he documents human behavior in bizarre situations, exploring the absurd nature of people's wills that direct their actions.

His works do not offer explanations of the world but instead represent events, with social references stripped away. His works often depict the confrontation between individuals and the world, possibly suggesting a deterministic prophesy of the future or simply a state of mind separate from events. His melancholic or excited state of mind never serves as a conclusion of time, and Lu Chunsheng may have seen the ruins of the future behind all the flashes of reality.

His solo exhibitions include Lu Chunsheng: Perspectives, Smithsonian’s National Museum of Asian Art ,National Mall, Washington D.C., USA and Lu Chunsheng: A Retrospective, curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist, The Red Mansion Foundation, London, UK.

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