Yangjiang Group

The Yangjiang Group is an art collective founded in 2002 by Zheng Guogu, Chen Zaiyan, and Sun Qinglin in the city of Yangjiang, Guangdong province, China. The group is known for their interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to art-making, which combines traditional Chinese calligraphy with contemporary art practices.

Their art is characterized by playful attacks on traditional calligraphy and attempts to subvert socio-cultural conventions and values. They use materials like wax, food, and foam and engage in multimedia installations and performance art. Audience participation is a significant component of their work, and they seek to cultivate community-based exhibition experiences that incorporate elements of everyday life like eating and tea drinking.

Their recent solo exhibitions include N3 Contemporary Art, Beijing, 2018; MMCA, Seoul, 2016-2017; MAXXI, Rome, 2015; 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art, Sydney, 2015; Palazzo Morosina, Venice, 2015; Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, 2013 and Eastside Projects, Birmingham, 2012.  

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