About the Artwork 0 E2 F A8 Eb B865 4 B E0 B97 E 25789724 B F94

Michael Clegg

Born in 1957, Michael Clegg is an Irish Postwar & Contemporary photographer. His work has been prominently displayed in key galleries and museums, such as Kunstmuseum Basel and Gegenwart. Several of Clegg's pieces have been auctioned multiple times, with realized prices ranging from 444 USD to 3,250 USD, depending on the artwork's size and medium. The highest auction price for his work was achieved in 2014 at Christie's New York, with the sale of Meadowlands, 1986, for 3,250 USD.

Clegg's work has been featured in numerous articles, including those published in Juliet Art Magazine, Texte Zur Kunst, and ArtDaily. Most recently, Clegg was the subject of an article titled Clegg & Guttmann at Konschthal Esch, Luxembourg, which was published in November 2022 by Juliet Art Magazine.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1957

  • Country:

    United States of America, New York

  • Gallery:
