
In his sculptures and drawings, Meuser consistently explores and delves beyond established contexts or standardized patterns of functionality.

Biography of Meuser

Meuser was born in Essen in 1947. From 1968 to 1976, he attended the Academy of Fine Arts and Philosophy in Düsseldorf, studying under the guidance of Beuys and Heerich. From 1992 to 2015, Meuser was a Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe.

The artist has received the Kunstpreis der Böttcherstraße (Bremen, 1985) and the ars viva "gestaltete Räume" (Berlin, 1991/92).

Meuser's solo exhibitions include "Red kein Blech" at Galerie Bärbel Grässlin in Frankfurt am Main (upcoming, 2024), "Morgen kommt der Fensterputzer" at Ruttkowski; 68 in Düsseldorf (2023), "Bei ihnen brannte noch Licht" at Galerie Bärbel Grässlin in Frankfurt am Main (2022), "Meuser" at Galerie Gisela Capitain in Cologne (2022), and many more.

The artist has also participated in group showcases held at Museum Ludwig in Cologne, Griffin Art Projects in Vancouver, Cassina Projects in Milan, Meyer Riegger in Berlin, Galerie Mezzanin in Geneva, Nymphius Projekt in Berlin, among others. 

Meuser's Art Style

In his sculptural endeavors, Meuser breathes new life into functionless steel and scrap iron objects, infusing them with fresh perspectives through processes of transformation, color, and language. 

In a process of borrowing, while simultaneously diverging from established formal conventions, the objects undergo abstraction and deconstruction. Reshaping, color and language play pivotal roles. Frequently, the vibrant coloring of his objects verges on the realm of painting. However, detached from the canvas, they assert themselves as autonomous objects within their surroundings.

Meuser's objects boldly transcend the confines of traditional painting without actually being paintings. Instead, they embody contour, their own material, and form. In their sheer simplicity, they signify the constructive aspect that Meuser allows to unfold independently, while infusing the object with its own narrative and rhetoric, often borrowing titles from everyday language.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1947

  • Country:

    Germany, Essen