Collin Sekajugo

Collin Sekajugo was born in 1980 in Masaka, Uganda. He is a founder and director of Ivuka Arts Kigali (since 2007) and a patron of the Ndegeya Foundation (since 2011).

Collin Sekajugo's Art Style

Collin Sekajugo is an artist deeply connected to the community, and his artistic approach is firmly grounded in it. Despite not pursuing formal art education, in 2006, Sekajugo embarked on a study tour across several Eastern and Southern African countries. This journey exposed him to new perspectives on art-making, an experience that has profoundly influenced his artistic expression, transforming his art into a reflection of the society in which he resides.

Sekajugo employs mixed-media collages that incorporate elements such as embroidery, photography, acrylic paint, and locally sourced materials like polypropylene and bark cloth. The recycling of these materials aligns with his view of art as a transformative act. In addition to collages, Sekajugo is involved in creating drawings, paintings, and performances.

As a multimedia artist, Sekajugo primarily focuses on the theme of identity, grounding it in his local context. His artworks delve into the complexities of social, cultural, economic, and political identity within the broader global context. Frequently, the artist places his figure as a central character in his painting collages, using it as a metaphor for his multi-ethnic background and as a means to challenge the prejudices associated with such a complex identity. Additionally, he employs the symbolism of masking his subjects' faces or certain body parts to represent the dichotomy between identity and discrimination based on ethnicity or social class.

Exhibitions of Collin Sekajugo's work

In 2022, Collin Sekajugo's work was featured in the inaugural and award-winning Uganda National Pavilion at the 59th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia.

Sekajugo's recent exhibitions include "Pictures girls make" at Blum & Poe in Los Angeles (2023), "We come in peace" at Nathalie Obadia Gallery in Paris (2023), "ODYSSEY OF IDENTITY" at Firetti Contemporary in Dubai (2023), "Layered histories" at Gallery 1957 in London (2022), "COLLIN SEKAJUGO" at Galerie Moderne Silkeborg in Silkeborg (2021), and "What is Beautiful" at Afriart Gallery in Kampala (2018). 

The artist has participated in numerous international art fairs, including Miami, 1-54 Art Fair, Future Fair, Art x Lagos, and Cape Town Art Fair. 

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