About the Artwork Marijke Van Warmerdam, Photo Lee Jong Min
© Photo by Lee Jong Min

Marijke Van Warmerdam

Marijke van Warmerdam (1959, Nieuwer Amstel, the Netherlands) is a contemporary Dutch artist known for her minimalist and poetic approach to various mediums, including film, photography, sculpture, and installations.

Van Warmerdam's works often explore the beauty and simplicity of everyday objects and situations, revealing the often-overlooked moments of beauty in the world around us. Her pieces are marked by a certain stillness and quietness, as she often captures moments frozen in time, such as a vase of flowers or a curtain gently blowing in the breeze.

Marijke van Warmerdam's work has featured in numerous important international exhibitions, including the Sound Corner at Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Rome (2018), Galleri Riis, Oslo (2017), MAMCO (Musée d’art Moderne et Contemporain), Geneva (2014), Kunsthalle Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf (2014), Centraal Museum, Utrecht (2014), Museum Schepenhuis, Mechelen (2014) and Galeria Estrany de la Mota, Barcelona (2013), among others.

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