About the Artwork Cecilia 9 1652687014368.jpg

Cecilia Granara

Cecilia Granara is a painter and writer who was born in 1991 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and currently lives and works in Paris. She is known for her works that draw on self-fiction, poetry, and religious and symbolic iconography to explore cultural attitudes towards sexuality, bodies, and the use of color as a vehicle for emotions.

Granara studied at Central St. Martin’s School of Art and Design in London, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris, and Hunter College in New York City. Her solo exhibitions include "Quatre Coeurs" at Exo Exo in Paris and "Lasciare Entrare, Lasciare Andare" at Studiolo Project in Milan. She has also participated in numerous group shows at galleries such as Galerie Jousse Entreprise, High Art, ps120 Berlin, and Brigade Copenhagen.

In 2019, Granara was a finalist in the Antoine Marin Prize, and in 2021 she was nominated for the Cairo Prize. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1991

  • Country:

    Saudi Arabia

  • Gallery:

    Exo Exo