Maria-Anna Dewes

Maria-Anna Dewes, born in Bonn, Germany, in 1955, has carved a distinct niche in the world of sculpture. Currently, the artist is based in Düsseldorf, Germany

Maria-Anna Dewes' Art Style

Maria-Anna Dewes' sculptural work employs figuration to explore and address political, sociological, and cultural issues. At the heart of her practice lies a profound exploration of the female figure.

Dewes creates casts of the human body, capturing both positive and negative forms. Her work ranges from complete body sculptures to isolated parts, such as limbs or seemingly autonomous feet and arms. These body parts often engage in symbolic actions, holding objects like brooms or guns.

Another recurring motif in Dewes' work is the figure of the dog, which appears in various guises throughout her oeuvre. Whether depicted lying on mirrored surfaces or sketched in watercolor, its presence recurs throughout Dewes' work.

Through her innovative use of repetition and sculptural relief sequences, Dewes creates dynamic narratives that occupy space and engage viewers in a dialogue with the contemporary moment. 

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