
Marco A. Castillo

Marco A. Castillo is renowned as one of the founding members of the collective known as Los Carpinteros. While the collective garnered significant international acclaim as a group, Castillo has also received recognition for his individual artistic endeavors.

Marco A. Castillo's Art Style

Marco A. Castillo is a founding member of the collective Los Carpinteros, established in 1992. The collective emerged as a response to individual authorship, aiming to integrate architectural forms, design, and art into their practice. Castillo's drawings and installations are informed by his observation of everyday material elements. Through his work, he investigates the interplay between functionality and non-functionality, as well as the dynamic between art and society.

Throughout his career as an independent artist, Castillo has explored the convergence of fine arts, applied arts, and decorative arts, challenging prevailing aesthetic norms and biases. Drawing inspiration from modernism and Soviet designs, he infuses Cuban tradition into his work through techniques like latticework and materials such as mahogany. Often, Castillo's pieces pay tribute to eminent modern Cuban architects and designers, serving as an homage to a generation of creators often overlooked.

Exhibitions of Marco A. Castillo's Works

Marco A. Castillo's artistic endeavors have graced numerous venues across the globe, showcasing his innovative approach and thought-provoking concepts. His solo exhibitions include "Casa negra" at Albarrán Bourdais in Madrid (2022), "Parlor Games" at Haines Gallery in San Francisco (2022), "Propriedad del estado" at Nara Roesler in São Paulo (2021), "Idea / Ideals" at KOW in Berlin (2021), "The Decorator’s Home" at UTA Artist Space in Los Angeles (2019), and many more.

Additionally, his works have been featured in group exhibitions held at various galleries and museums worldwide, including Galerie nächst St. Stephan in Vienna, Sean Kelly Gallery in New York, The Mayor Gallery in London,  Seattle Art Museum in Seattle, Perez Art Museum in Miami, Galería Taller Gorría in Havana, Goodman Gallery in Capetown, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Lima in Lima, among other esteemed venues. 

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