About the Artwork Photographs by Stefan Ruiz. Produced by Gay Gassmann

Not Vital

Not Vital is renowned for cultivating a practice deeply rooted in immersive experiences with nature and a nomadic way of life.

Biography of Not Vital

Not Vital was born in 1948 in Sent, Switzerland. Raised amidst the majestic mountains and lush forests of the Engadin valley near the border of Switzerland, Austria, and Italy, Not Vital's formative years were imbued with the awe-inspiring beauty of nature.

However, he has since embarked on a journey of exploration, traversing diverse landscapes and cultures around the globe. From the vast expanses of China to the arid deserts of Niger, from the historic charm of Italy to the vibrant energy of Indonesia, and from the dynamic cities of the United States to countless other destinations, Vital's nomadic lifestyle has enriched his artistic vision and perspective.  

Not Vital pursued visual arts at the Université Expérimentale de Vincennes in Paris from 1968 to 1971 before relocating to New York in 1974, marking the start of his artistic journey.

In 2003, the artist founded a foundation in Ardez, a historic village nestled in the Engadin, with the mission of safeguarding the cultural heritage of the valley and establishing a sculpture park within the community.

Vital's artwork has been showcased in various international exhibitions, such as the 49th Venice Biennale in 2001, and the 17th International Architecture Biennale in 2021. He stands as one of the select artists to have presented his creations in both the Art and Architecture Biennale arenas.

Recent solo exhibitions of Not Vital's works include "NOT VITAL. Paintings" at Thaddaeus Ropac in Salzburg (2022), "NOT VITAL. 10 Paintings" at Galerie Urs Meile in Beijing (2022), "NOT VITAL. A vida é um detalhe" at Nara Roesler in São Paulo (2022), and many more.

Currently, the artist resides and works in Sent (Switzerland), Beijing (China), and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

Not Vital's Art Style

Not Vital's artistic expression draws inspiration from his nomadic lifestyle and extensive travels worldwide, contemplating themes of dwelling, nature, animals, and the interplay between sculpture and architecture. Delving into the junctures of abstract and figurative forms, his creations bear witness to a profound engagement with materials, spanning from plaster and steel to marble, ceramic, and organic elements. Notably, he frequently collaborates with artisans of diverse traditions across the globe, ranging from steel artisans in Beijing and glassblowers in Murano to silversmiths among the Tuareg people and papermakers in Bhutan.

His art aims to incite uncommon experiences or perspectives, achieved through the displacement of natural forms or the extraction of elements from remote locales, which are then reimagined within an artistic context. This often involves altering their scale or materials to prompt fresh interpretations.

Not Vital's creative repertoire extends beyond sculptures and architectural concepts to encompass paintings and works on paper, engaging in dialogues with the themes explored in his three-dimensional artworks. For these pieces, the artist employs a diverse range of materials, spanning from the humble and transient—like coffee, salt, and eggs—to the luxurious and enduring—such as marble, silver, and gold. 

Since the late 1990s, Not Vital has erected permanent installations in various locations worldwide, from Agadez in Niger to the Chilean Patagonia and Paraná do Mamori in Brazil. Furthermore, he has also constructed what he terms "habitats," including the House to Watch the Sunset, alongside other structures like schools, bridges, or tunnels.

In 2009, the artist introduced the term 'SCARCH' to articulate his recent large-scale structures, merging the realms of sculpture and architecture. At the heart of his artistic endeavor lies an exploration of the spatial, economic, and cultural dimensions inherent in both domestic and professional environments.

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