Luiza Crosman

In addition to her artistic pursuits, Luiza Crosman has collaborated with various institutions to develop infrastructural projects. These projects utilize writing and educational initiatives as tools to expand upon and experiment with the concepts integrated into her artwork.

Biography of Luiza Crosman

Luiza Crosman was born in 1987. After graduating in Graphic Design from PUC-Rio in Rio de Janeiro in 2008, she pursued a Master's degree in Arts and Culture at UERJ – Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro between 2012 and 2014. Her academic pursuits continued with a postgraduate degree in Performativity Studies at a.pass in Brussels, Belgium.

From 2014 to 2017, she spearheaded the casamata occupation in Rio de Janeiro, an endeavor that instilled self-management practices into her artistic process. In 2019, she was commissioned by WIELS in Brussels, Belgium, where she presented a multimedia installation.

From 2017 to 2019, she served as a researcher in the REALTY Sommerakademie Paul Klee program at the Bern Academy of the Arts HKB in Bern, Switzerland.

Crosman's artistic endeavors have garnered recognition on both national and international stages. In 2018, she was selected as one of the artists for the 33rd Bienal de São Paulo, where she presented TRAMA, an institutional speculation. Her nomination for the PIPA Prize in 2019 further solidified her standing in the contemporary art world.

Her notable solo exhibitions include "CELESTE" at Gomide & Co in São Paulo (2022), "E eu via quase de perto" at Despina in Rio de Janeiro (2014), and "Campo em linha" at casamata in Rio de Janeiro (2012). 

Luiza Crosman has also participated in group showcases held at various galleries and venues worldwide, including Galeria Index in Brasília, Galeria Jaqueline Martins in São Paulo, OCAT Institute in Beijing, SESI Digital Gallery in São Paulo, Jozsa Gallery in Brussels, KW Institute in Berlin, among others. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1987

  • Country:

    Brazil, São Paulo