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Marcelo Cipis

Marcelo Cipis has explored various artistic languages, including painting, drawing, collage, installation, and sculpture. He is a versatile artist who primarily works with paper and canvas but is not confined to these surfaces, continuously exploring diverse material possibilities. Furthermore, he has an extensive background as both a book writer and illustrator, a testament to his multifaceted creative prowess.

Biography of Marcelo Cipis

Marcelo Cipis was born in 1959 in São Paulo, Brazil. He embarked on his artistic journey with a solid foundation in architecture, having earned his degree from the School of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo (FAU-USP). He began his activities as an editorial illustrator in 1977.

In 1982, Marcelo Cipis embarked on a pivotal European adventure that would forever alter his artistic perspective. His travels took him to the hallowed halls of European museums, where he encountered a rich tapestry of inspiration. These encounters reshaped his artistic vision and left an indelible mark on his relationship with painting.

Returning to Brazil, Marcelo Cipis joined forces with the renowned artist Dudi Maia Rosa (1946), further nurturing his creative talents. In 1987 and 1988, he unveiled his artistic prowess at Fundação Cásper Líbero and Galeria Documenta in São Paulo, marking the beginning of his solo exhibition journey.

Cipis's artistic journey also took him to the international stage. In 1989, he participated in the 20th Bienal Internacional de São Paulo, contributing to the group show titled "Arte em jornal" (Art in Newspaper). His artistic prowess continued to flourish, and in 1991, he took part in the 21st edition of the same event, presenting the installation "Cipis Transworld, Art, Industry & Commerce." 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1959

  • Country:
