Maria Lira Marques

Maria Lira Marques' distinctive style is characterized by the seamless integration of graphic language derived from natural pigments with the landscapes of the backlands.

Biography of Maria Lira Marques

Born in 1945 to humble beginnings—her father a shoemaker and her mother a laundress—Maria Lira Marques' artistic journey began amidst the rich cultural tapestry of her hometown, Araçuaí.

From a young age, Maria Lira Marques was captivated by the art of ceramics and handicrafts, inspired by her mother's skillful hands as she crafted nativity scenes from raw clay. Later, she learned techniques for extracting and baking clay from her neighbor, Joana Poteira.

Marques' artistic talents blossomed over the years, culminating in her first exhibition in 1975 at Sesc Pompeia in São Paulo. Since then, her work has graced the walls of numerous national and international institutions, from Belgium to the United States.

A pivotal moment in her artistic evolution came in the 1990s when she embarked on a creative journey with her iconic series, Bichos do Sertão (Animals of the Backlands). This series features paintings of imaginary animals, forming an extensive and diverse bestiary.

Maria Lira Marques has also established herself as a researcher, activist, and advocate for the artists and artisans of the Vale do Jequitinhonha. She developed an extensive body of work in collaboration with Friar Xico, a Dutch friar residing in Brazil. In 2010, they founded the Museum of Araçuaí.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1945

  • Country:

    Brazil, Araçuaí