About the Artwork Images (15)

Luigi Ghirri

Luigi Ghirri was an Italian photographer known for his pioneering work in color photography and his exploration of the relationship between images, language, and perception. Born in Scandiano, Italy, Ghirri initially trained as a surveyor before turning to photography in the late 1960s. He began his career as a commercial photographer but quickly moved towards a more experimental and personal approach to image-making.

Ghirri's photographic practice was informed by his interest in architecture, landscape, and the everyday objects and scenes that surrounded him. He often used his camera to capture the visual contradictions and ambiguities of contemporary life, highlighting the ways in which images can shape our understanding of the world around us. His photographs often incorporated text, further complicating the relationship between language and visual representation.

Ghirri's work gained critical recognition in the 1970s and 1980s and has since been the subject of numerous solo exhibitions, including at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Centre Pompidou in Paris. His photographs are characterized by their meticulous composition, subtle use of color, and playful engagement with the medium's formal and conceptual possibilities.

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