About the Artwork Images (26)

Lluís Claramunt

Lluís Claramunt is a Spanish artist born in 1951 in Barcelona. He studied at the School of Fine Arts of Sant Jordi in Barcelona and later continued his education in Germany. Claramunt's artistic practice is multidisciplinary, spanning painting, sculpture, installation, and performance.

Throughout his career, Claramunt has been interested in exploring the relationship between art and society. He often incorporates everyday objects and materials into his works, such as furniture, books, and tools. His installations and sculptures often have a strong architectural element, playing with space, light, and shadow.

One of Claramunt's most notable works is his series of "Portals," which are large, site-specific installations that invite the viewer to interact with the space in a new way. These installations often incorporate light, sound, and movement, creating immersive environments that blur the boundaries between art and architecture.

In addition to his art practice, Claramunt has also been involved in art education and curation. He has taught at several institutions in Spain and has curated numerous exhibitions, including the Spanish Pavilion at the 2007 Venice Biennale.

Overall, Claramunt's work is characterized by his exploration of the relationship between art and everyday life, and his use of space and materials to create immersive and thought-provoking installations.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1951

  • Country:

    Spain, Barcelona