
Jiří Georg Dokoupil

Jiří Georg Dokoupil is a Czech-born German artist who was born in Krnov, Czech Republic in 1954. He grew up in Germany and later studied at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Cologne. In the 1980s, Dokoupil became associated with the Neue Wilden (New Wild Ones), a group of German artists who rejected the minimalist and conceptual art of the time in favor of a more expressive, figurative style.

Dokoupil is known for his use of unconventional materials in his art, such as soap bubbles, and for his exploration of the intersection between science and art. He has created works that are inspired by natural phenomena like the movement of fluids, and has also explored the relationship between the body and the mind.

In addition to his paintings, Dokoupil has also worked in sculpture, printmaking, and installation art. He has exhibited his work widely in Europe and the United States, and has been the subject of several major retrospectives. Today, he is considered one of the most influential artists of his generation, and his work continues to be celebrated for its innovative use of materials and its engagement with scientific and philosophical concepts.

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