About the Artwork Artist Cristina Lucas in Kiasma 2015 12

Cristina Lucas

Cristina Lucas is a Spanish artist born in Jaén in 1973. She currently lives and works in Madrid. Lucas studied Fine Arts at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and completed her postgraduate studies at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam.

Lucas's work often deals with themes related to power, gender, and social critique. She has a multidisciplinary approach to her art and works in a variety of mediums including installation, performance, video, and sculpture. Lucas is known for her playful and subversive style, often using humor to highlight social and political issues.

One of her most well-known works is "The Progress of Love," a performance piece in which Lucas and another performer engaged in a series of violent actions while dressed in wedding gowns. The piece was a critique of societal expectations surrounding love and marriage.

Lucas has exhibited her work internationally, with solo shows at institutions such as the Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona, the Reina Sofía Museum in Madrid, and the Contemporary Art Museum in St. Louis. She has also participated in group exhibitions at the Venice Biennale, the Sao Paulo Biennial, and the Sharjah Biennial.

In 2021, Lucas was awarded Spain's National Prize for Fine Arts in recognition of her significant contributions to contemporary art.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1973

  • Country:

    Spain, Jaén