Kiarash Khazaei

Kiarash Khazaei is an Iranian artist born in 1983 in Tehran, Iran, currently lives & works in Paris. He graduated from the University of Tehran with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Painting in 2007 and completed his Master of Fine Arts degree in Painting at the Art University of Tehran in 2011.

Khazaei's works have been exhibited in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Iran, Europe, and the United States, including at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Isfahan, Iran, and the Venice Biennale in Italy. He is known for his abstract and expressionistic style, using a variety of media such as oil paint, charcoal, and ink to create large-scale works that explore themes of identity, memory, and the human condition.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1983

  • Country:

    Iran, Tehran

  • Gallery:
